(点击上方关注键盘侠 ,键盘获悉更多有趣资讯。侠意)近日,难平美国Reddit论坛上出现一篇《世上再无第二个姚明》的美网明生帖子 ,在这个帖子中,友热议姚涯美网友对姚明的非伤职业生涯、技术能力等各方面进行了讨论,统治全篇对姚明赞不绝口 ,键盘如下是侠意部分美网友的评论。[–]Lakers [LAL] Austin ReavesMrAppleSpoink 611 points 16 hours agoHe’s the only ultra tall player ever that was both not a toothpick and could actually make it up and down the court. Fuck injuries man.湖人球迷 :个子奇高无比却绝非细牙签儿身材,难平还能在球场上如鱼得水 ,美网明生这样的友热议姚涯超级大个子 ,除了姚明之外,非伤你把地球翻个底儿少天也找不出第二个人来!统治操他妈的键盘伤病啊,哎 ![–]76ersDarnellCashMooney 3 points 9 hours agoand also happened to be incredibly skilled. his height/size and skill combo is one of a kind76人球迷: 而且技术好得一批,结合他的身高、体型以及技术,姚明真的是万中无一